


Our horticulture program provides educational training and technical assistance to our community. Our technical services include soil testing, disease diagnosis, and plant, weed, and insect identification.

What is Horticulture Extension?

The Scott County Extension Office Horticulture program provides educational training and technical assistance to our community. Our technical services include soil testing, disease diagnosis, and plant, weed, and insect identification. Cooperative Extension is the major provider of research-based information for consumers and horticulture businesses.

ID 128 Home Vegetable Gardening in Kentucky

Home Vegetable Gardening in Kentucky is packed with information, from planning a garden to storing vegetables (and everything in-between). A “must” for all Kentucky residential gardeners, this UK Extension publication covers production, as well as disease, insect, and weed management, for crops from asparagus to zuchinni!

ID 128 Home Vegetable Gardening in Kentucky

UK Horticulture Publications

UK Horticulture Publications

Click Here

Scott County Extension Master Gardener Volunteers

For Certified Master Gardeners Only

Volunteer Hours Form

peonies, pollinator garden, click on section to right

Horticulture Events and Programs

Weekly gardening webinars hosted by the University of Kentucky Horticulture Agents.


Summer Season - Mothers' Day through Labor Day

Applications for new booth due in March

Come join us on the fourth Saturday In April each year for a garden enthusiast's dream.  Plants, speakers, demonstrations, all things horticulture! Event is free of charge, although you maybe able to purchase plants, and garden necessities while there. 


Each year prospective gardeners need to fill out an application.  Returning gardeners have the first window of registration (date) to have their choice of plots.  New gardeners will have a second window of registration (date) to choose their garden plot. 

How To Find Your Plot

To new gardeners, finding exactly where your plot is can be tricky.  Click here to find out how. 


Fall Garden Clean up

Sharon P. Flynt

Extension Agent, Horticulture

(502) 863-0984 sflynt@uky.edu Scott County Extension Office 1130 Cincinnati Road, Georgetown, Kentucky 40324-8931

Contact Information

1130 Cincinnati Road Georgetown, KY 40324-8931

(502) 863-0984
